Release date: 05 June, 2020
Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Release type: EP
Best track: Antichrist Militia
Antichrist Militia is a damn fun record. Yeah, we’re talking blackened death bordering on war metal, but hell… it’s so intensely fun. The sleazy machismo of a drunk biker gang declaring war on Christendom kind of fun.
Front produce a compact machine gun fire barrage of riffs and blast beats but with a keen eye for groove and rock’n’roll grease. Imagine Blasphemy covering The Mentors. It may sound like madness (and it is) but not only does it work, it’s a headbanging bombardment. Front run a tight ship and there’s not time for slowing down, just 22 minutes of pure tongue-in-cheek armageddon.
Notably, the band have payed homage to Lemmy in the form of Iron Front, third track on the album, a nice little war hymn for the R’n’R legend.